Subaward Pilot IT solution identified

I just posted this over at the NGP blog and thought others may like to know about it. 

An alert NGP member recently forward the following e‑mail from Robert Shea of OMB to the NGP mailing list. It shows that the HHS TAGGS system will be used for the Transparency Act Subaward Pilot. 

Beginning this month (August 2008), the US Department of Health and Human Service’s (HHS) Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS) will begin a phased approach to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Grant Subaward pilot/proof of concept implementation. During the pilot/proof of concept implementation over 67 volunteer federal grantees will be participating by adding their subaward data to the HHS TAGGS via a web interface. Currently the HHS TAGGS houses award data for over 80,000 federal grants. 

To my knowledge, TAGGS has only been used by agencies to post their grant award data. It’s unknown (to me at least) how the system will handle accepting subaward data from grantees. At least now we have a known system to base the pilot around. Hurrah!