FDP: Agency Updates

I’m at the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) meeting today and will be posting some brief notes throughout the day, courtesy of the free wi-fi here at the wonderful National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. 

There were updates from NSF, ONR, and others, outlining some changes in the form sets and application procedures. More details on those changes will be discussed in coming days. (Jean Feldman of NSF delivered the news that Times New Roman will be once again an allowed font in proposals with her usual aplomb and sarcasm: “Apparently we didn’t check the Constitution” before implementing the rule, she said!) Most interestingly, Vince Sprouls of the Grants.gov PMO outlined the status of the program, including the new Adobe system that’s been deployed. At the FDP meeting tomorrow, more details about that will be provided, including representatives from Adobe and the Grants.gov Program Manager, Terry Nicolosi. In other news, a new Federal employee is joining the Grants.gov PMO next week to lead the systems integration efforts there.