Webcast on New FFATA Legislation & Strategic Planning

Got this from the Grants Policy Committee, as a reminder for the June 19 webcast: 

The Grants Policy Committee (GPC) continues to lead federal grant management and administration streamlining activities. The next GPC Stakeholder Webcast & Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 from 2:00 – 3:30pm. Please disseminate this information widely to your federal grants stakeholder networks. 

  • The subject of the Webcast will be new legislation affecting grant life cycle changes, data and reporting requirements, and awardee and federal communities, policies, and planning.
  • Webcast goals are to: 1) To raise awareness in the stakeholder community about new legislation concerning transparency and accountability and the effects it will have on stakeholder federal assistance funding cycle, data and reporting requirements, policies and planning; and 2) to receive input from stakeholders to assist the GPC in drafting a strategic plan to set priorities and inform its continued streamlining activities.

Click below for more details… 

Registration & Attendance

The location of the meeting and the broadcast of the Webcast will take place at the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. For details, read the Federal Register Notice posted under “FRN” at http://www.grants.gov/aboutgrants/grants_news.jsp under the June 19th meeting materials. 

  • If you will be watching the webcast via Internet, there is no need to register. Simply follow the Webcast Instructions posted at http://www.grants.gov/aboutgrants/grants_news.jsp under the June 19th meeting materials. You will need to download Real Player.
  • If you wish to attend the webcast meeting in person, you MUST R.S.V.P. This is the case whether or not you are a federal government employee. You may R.S.V.P. to gpcwebcast@nsf.gov. We only have 50 seats available. Nonfederal stakeholders will receive preference. You must receive email confirmation that we have received your R.S.V.P. and have room for your attendance.

Questions & Comments (Please refer to the Webcast Instructions)

If you have any questions before the webcast, or any comments to be addressed, please email them to gpcwebcast@nsf.gov.

To ask a question or make a comment during the webcast, you must email them HUDTV@HUD.GOV or call the studio at 202–708-0995

If you have any questions after the webcast, or any comments to be addressed, please email them to gpcwebcast@nsf.gov.