What challenges do small regulatory agencies face?
How TCG Supports Regulatory Agencies
TCG specializes in working with regulatory agencies. We understand the vital work these agencies do to enforce regulations while ensuring that citizens and private industry have safe, reliable access to services and resources.
- Agile Application and Software Development
- Cloud Services
- Digital Transformation
- AI
- Low Code Solutions
Cloud Solutions
The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, and is responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications law and regulations. To ensure the public has a voice in these regulations, the FCC solicits public comments through the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS).
In 2021, TCG helped the FCC to modernize this system and made sending, receiving, and analyzing this information easier, accessible, and more secure for the public and FCC staff. The FCC often receives a lot of comments, and ECFS ensures that the agency can manage them efficiently.
Data Management
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
TCG provides support to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM). PRISM identifies and immobilizes commercial motor carriers that are prohibited from operating due to a Federal Out-of-Service (OOS) Order.
TCG provides support for the technical aspects of data flow from a large truck database— with PRISM serving as a connection point between states and FMCSA.
Application Development
TCG develops data applications, which visualize, interpret, store, and monitor historic and live market data. The applications offer easy to digest snapshots of stock market data and help the SEC detect potential patterns of financial wrongdoing.
TCG’s development process is driven by Agile best practices, which help the team maintain a high quality of service for all applications.
Other Regulatory Clients