E‑gov initiatives to create momentum under new House leadership?

Following up from my post yesterday about the impact of changes in House and Senate committee leaderships, I see that GovExec has some additional comments from various government IT types, including this: 

… interagency transfers of funds to work on the Office of Management and Budget’s e‑government initiatives might flow more freely under Democrats, some observers predicted.

A high-level government source who supports the Bush administration’s e‑government efforts said on the condition of anonymity that under the Republican-led Congress, appropriators have been hostile toward attempts to improve government services through technology.

Demands from the House Appropriations Committee for the Office of Management and Budget to justify e‑government spending through cost savings could be eased under Democrats, who have been historically friendlier to government initiatives, according to the source.

“The conversation is going to be less about saving money than about providing services to the citizens,” the source said. “Places where we have had struggles justifying something that doesn’t return money to the Treasury will be eased.” 

If Congress does indeed pave the way for e‑government initiatives to move ahead, initiatives like the GMLOB are going to do exactly what I hope they might achieve: create unstoppable momentum.